🌼About :

Hello there beautiful people! *waves hand in excitement* As you probably already know, I am Hailey Madison, and I really appreciate you visiting my “About” page! I am the voice behind this blog, and I want to help you guys to get to know me more, and learn what Sunshine & Rain is all about. Hey, we may even have some stuff in common! Lets begin, shall we?

I am a homeschooled, Christian teen girl. I’m continuing every day to grow stronger in my faith, and my relationship with Jesus! I am a proud Republican, and a very passionate Pro-Life supporter. ❤ I’m a pretty quirky person and I love meeting new people. I’m about 101% extrovert, so I love hanging with my closest friends any chance I get. Just bein’ around my people makes me happy! Laughter is one of my favorite things 😉

I’m very artistic, and always try to be as creative as possible. I get distracted quite easily, especially by daydreams (mom doesn’t seem to like that). I like staying in touch with friends through letter writing, and it always brings me joy making things for friends! I am most drawn to things and people that are unique, and I try to be that way myself. I love originality! Some of my favorite hobbies include singing, playing uke and guitar, photography, writing, spending time outdoors, and the list goes on from there. I’m not an extremely sporty person (does eating count??)but I am quite the artist.

I love seeing new places, and normally take plenty of photos wherever I go. I love all color in general so I can’t say I’ve got a specific favorite, but I have a preference for warm colors. Sometimes I feel yellow is the color of my soul. I love plants and flowers, and love pressing them to use for scrapbooking. I really love writing and keeping up with life in my journals. I have a dog named Tank, and he’s basically my buddy. Wherever I go, he follows. And I love him to pieces! *heart eyes* I must say, he’s a pretty great cuddle bug. I also have a ferret named Harry, and he’s my little teddy bear! I can say I definitely love him just as much, he is the cutest love bug ever!

I adore fashion, decorating, and designing things to make them my own. I have a big thrifty sense, and I love exploring little shops. Deep down, 8 year old me still aspires to be a princess who dresses in fluffy gowns and lives in a castle. And I love reminding myself that I am always a princess of the one true King. Straighten your crown girl, don’t you know who you belong to? 😉

I’m basically always hungry. I just gotta admit that I love food and when I get a little hungry, I get a little moody hehe. If somebody ever offers me pizza rolls and I actually pass that up, you’ll know something isn’t right with the world. But even with how much I eat, I think I will forever be tiny.

That’s another thing about me, i’m pretty small. But I don’t say that i’m ‘tiny for my age’, because everybody grows at their own pace. I’m only 4’11”, so i’m pretty used to all of my friends being taller than me. I honestly love being short though, because hey, short people are ADORABLE ❤️ I can’t complain much either way, because I passed up my Mom awhile ago. (Sorry Mama.) 😂

Other random and oddly specific things I love: watching movies, pretty lights, flowers, traveling, photography, doing my hair, roller coasters, nice shoes, ICE CREAM, playing animal crossing, and I am a collector of fuzzy socks & blankets. I love the beach and bohemian/hippie/vintage things, blasting my fave songs, sitting in the sunshine, and watching storms.

Well I think this page has come to an end, but don’t stop here! Feel free to explore more of the blog and check out some of the latest posts! Thanks again for visiting this page, I hope it helped you get to know me more, and I seem more like a friend. 😉

Later taters! 😉 💛

(P.S. One thing I forgot to include: I can’t and never sleep with socks on, like I just can’t. Don’t know why I told you that but eh, why not? *raises eyebrows in confusion*)

125 thoughts on “🌼About :

  1. I love pen palling! I am creative. I love reading. My family and I have just started learning Spanish! I LOVE photography, and music. I take a lot of random photos though. I also love decorating, but I share a room with 3 of my sisters, so I can’t do a lot of decorating. 🙁 So I guess we have some things in common!
    P.S. I followed you!


  2. Hello, Hailey! My name is Esther and I’m a twelve-year-old home-schooler. I found out about your blog through life without a latte (Anna and Pearl’s blog), and I LOVE it! ❤ I followed it and can't wait to see more great posts! 😉

    Have a blessed day!


    Liked by 2 people

  3. Hi! I found your blog through Life without a Latte!
    And…Guess what?!
    You’ll never guess…

    My name is also Haley….although it is spelled H-A-L-E-Y….not H-A-I-L-E-Y. But you know, it’s pronounced the same way…so we are basically name twins…

    We have quiet a few things in common! I also love the color yellow!! I love, photography, pen-paling, and I ❤ ❤ ❤ reading, blankets, and music!! Plus I'm also a Christian Homeschooler…..

    Uh…we have a lot in common…it is kind of odd…. but I know that I am more of an introvert than an extrovert…..

    Anyways…if you want to you can check out my blog @ lifeoffaithbyhap.wordpress.com

    *note: the about me page is out of date by like two years…


    Liked by 1 person

    • Awwww, my heartttt 💕 Thank you very much, you are so sweet! Oh yes that’s great! Allie is such an amazing blogger and super close friend of mine! Followed your blog as well, and yes me too! Thanks again for your sweet words 😊💕

      Liked by 1 person

      • Haha! I really am so grateful to have her as such a close friend! Really good friendships like that are sadly pretty hard to find, but thankfully God is really good in that area and will bring you some pretty awesome friends in your life! Thank you very much! ❤ I hope to be good friends too ; )

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Hi there! I am a 12 year old christian girl who loves animals ( especially dogs), photography, music and dim and cost lights… we really do have things in common! Hope we can be friends😜❤I am not an active blogger but love your blogs!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. YOU ARE SO FREAKING BEAUTIFUL! MY GAWD! I’ve studied Spanish for three years too and I love making people laugh and smile! I’m so glad that most of the things you mentioned in your post are the things that I love so I could say we have loads in common!
    I have seven more words..
    OH! and I love chicken too!
    — Cookie Girl xx

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Hi Hailey! I know you follow my blog already and I’ve always wanted to follow yours but it led me to this page where it said your site had been taken down. Probably a broken link! I’m so glad I found you because your site is gorgeous! I love the fun, colourful design and your inspiring posts. So excited to see what you’ll share next. We’re very similar in lots of ways and you just have the best energy to you. Being quirky is the best! x


    Liked by 1 person

  7. Hey!! You followed my blog, so I just had to check your’s out (thanks for the follow, by the way!! SO appreciate it!!). And you have got a REALLY fun and cute blog!
    Oh yes. Weirdo-buddies for life, right here. I can’t even begin to say how I’m so weird. But I love it. XD
    So…anyways. We share a lot of similar interests. Pizza is amazing. I’m a huge fan of just cheese, in general. 😀
    Keep up the good work! Sorry for this totally random comment…my brother calls me “Captain Random” for a reason…XDD
    -Keziah ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hey there girly! What’s up? 😉 Awww yes I absolutely LOVE your blog!! I’m so glad to have you apart of the chicken nugget fam now 😊

      Ohhh yeah. I will totally be your weirdo buddy. All the way. Haha I am very weird so it’s nice to have another friend in the group! 😝Thats so cool that we have quite a bit in common! LOL I LOVE CHEESE! Thank you so much Keziah! Oh girl please don’t apologize! I absolutely love these types of comments! Haha thanks so much! 😉❤️

      Liked by 1 person

      • Heyyy!!! Thanks for the amazing reply back. ☺
        Yay! Buddies! AHHH A FELLOW CHEESE LOVER!!!!!! I had a guy tell me the other day that he hated cheese………..
        Have an amazing day. 💕

        Liked by 1 person

      • Heyyyyy girllll! Haha absolutely!! I’m a huge talker so long and random comments are never a problem for me 😜😂 YESSSS I KNOW RIGHT?!? CHEESE IS MY WEAKNESS. Wait….how do you hate cheese? Cheese is DELICIOUS!! Haha no hate to all the amazing vegans out there though! 😂 You too gurl, I’m really glad to be friends and can’t wait to get to know you more! 😉❤️

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      • Haha, yessss. I ramble sooo much, so long comments are my favorite. 😆
        AND I KNOW!! SAME WEAKNESS HERE!! I literally think, if I was diagnosed with being lactose intolerant, I would just not care and keep eating all the dairy… Because…. Life without cheese…. It just sounds depressing. 🥺
        Yes!! I am excited to get to know you more, too!!! ☺

        Liked by 1 person

      • I know right?! I always squeel inside whenever I see I got a long comment haha! OHHHH YESSS. My sister is actually lactose and tolerant and she still ate ice cream all the time because she says its still worth it! 🤣 I totally agree with that, I personally could never live without cheese, and milk, and yogurt, and ICE CREAM!! Haha it’s really great talking with you, glad to be getting to know another amazing friend! xD ❤

        Liked by 1 person

      • Yessss!! Oh my, your sister sounds amazing. XD
        AHH I ADORE ICE CREAM!!! All-time favorite dessert, right there. What is your favorite flavor/s???
        It’s so great to get to know you better, too!!!! ❤

        Liked by 1 person

      • Haha oohh yesss she is definitely something different 🤣 ME TOO!! My favorite flavor is either vanilla (ahhhh oh my goodness I freaking love vanilla), or chocolate chip cookie dough!! What’s your favorite flavor(s)?! Haha right back atcha! I Really love being able to talk and become good friends with bloggers like this! ; D 💕

        Liked by 1 person

      • AHHH I LOVE CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIE DOUGH THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!! This is amazing. XD 🙂 Okay, but what flavor of vanilla? Homemade Vanilla is soooo good.
        Yes!! It’s so great.

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      • OH MY GOSH ISN”T IT AMAZING?!?!?! I LOVE IT SO MUCH!! Haha I totally agree! Ooh that is true, it depends on what brand/type of vanilla it is! I absolutely LOVE Chick-fil-a vanilla Ice cream ahhhh so good…*drools* I also really like some brands from just the grocery store but I forget the name! I really like the strong but super smooth type of vanilla (I sound like a food expert or something, but considering how much delicious food I actually consume I think I may be…) Haha I had homemade ice cream once and it was MIND BLOWING! It was amazing! Haha I am loving this whole conversation 😂❤

        Liked by 1 person

      • YESS! Speaking of Chick-Fil-A….Did you ever have their Lime Milkshake???? AHHH IT’S AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I only had it like once, but…
        ahhhhhh yessss. Okay, so I assume then; You like vanilla over chocolate?? I never could decide…. 😉

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      • Ahhhhh now i’m craving mah Chick-fil-a xD I have not had the lime milkshake! That sounds pretty delicious though!! I actually do prefer vanilla over chcocolate almost all the time!! Even though i’m a HUGE CHOCOLATE LOVER I actually would rather eat vanilla over a chocolate cupcake, or ice cream or something like that! OKAY, but when we are talking about Dark Chocolate, or chocolate frosting, BRING IT ON! Haha I LOVE DARK CHOCOLATE!! Most of my friends think it’s disgusting but I love it! xD

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      • AHHHHHHH I LOVE DARK CHOCOLATE, TOO!!!!!!!! It’s amazing. You know what’s my favorite thing to do?? Is eat 90% and then go to 70%….and the latter, is just heavenly. It taste like milk chocolate!!! I LOVE IT.

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      • THATS AMAZING!!! ahhh dark chocolate is just DELICIOUS. Ohhh that actually sounds amazing!! See here I like the darkest of the dark and bitterest of the bitter dark chocolate, ahhh there’s just something about it that I am OBSESSED WITH. That’s why my friends think I’m a psycho 😂😂 Oh also, reverting back to the convo on Chick-fil-a, HAVE YOU HAD CHICK FIL A SIGNATURE SAUCE?? IT IS LIKE MY FAVORITE THING EVER. Oh my goodness and with the waffle fries dipped in it, it’s just amazing.

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      • AHH YESS DARK CHOCOLATE!!! I love it so much. And I could eat piles and piles of bars of it, in one sitting *never done that before… 😉*
        I have not had that sauce. But I’ve heard of it. I am rather picky with sauces… But I mean. If you like it. And we’ve *obviously* not similar taste buds… Then next time I go, I’ll have to try it. ☺

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      • Ohhhh maybe I should add eating that much chocolate in one sitting on my lifelong bucket list…..YOLO am I right? 🤣 OOH YOU SHOULD TOTALLY TRY IT!! Haha I’m not offended whatsoever if you hate it 😂, I myself am a HUGE SAUCE GIRL. Ranch, ketchup, mustard, mayo, yum yum sauce (yep that’s actually a type of sauce), BBQ, you name it!! I love mah sauces *drools more* Haha we really do have quite similar taste in food! Which I think it’s actually amazing 😂xD

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      • Yess!!! Do it!!
        LOL, okay. AHH I LOVE ketchup!! I have this crazy dream of getting friends together and having everyone wear white and bring a ketchup bottle. And we all run around, having a ketchup fight, by squirting ketchup out. 😆 It just sounds amazing to me… And it would be so cheap!!! *Practical, penny-pincher here 😆*

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      • Oohh it’s already happened 😆 Haha oh my goodness I would DEFINITELY be apart of that! 😂 Hey I mean I already get stains on my clothes on a daily basis so why not make it a game? 🥴 It really would be so much fun you should totally put that together Keziah!! XD

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      • Ahh yes!!! I will do it and invite you!! LOL. Same here!! I gave up on ever having clean clothes again, because I get mine dirty ALL the time. No white for me; too nonpractical for dirty ol’ me, over yonder. 😆

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      • Haha awesome! I will make sure to be there 😉😂 UGH girl that’s a legit MOOD. Exact same here! I can never own anything white without it being stained within the first 24 hours of owning it 😂😂

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  8. hello Hailey I found your blog through..hhmmm do I remember now? 😉 but srsly your designs are so cool I really love the vibe of your blog! its so cute and you too are so cute. your dog tank seems really sweet too. I recently shifted my blog from wix to WordPress so im getting still getting familiar with the whole blog atmosphere here! it’d be great if we could be friends
    ~Arwa | https://thecornershop506926615.wordpress.com

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  9. Haiiiii Hailey!! I JUST found your blog, and I am soooo happy I did! It’s amazing!! I love basically everything you do AND I’m homeschooled!! Chicken nuggets and pizza…you just made me hungry. It’s awesome to meet you, hope we can be friends!
    I LOVE your hairstyles…

    Liked by 1 person

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