Igniting Inspiration: Quotes of the Week to Ignite the Fire in Your Heart + Extra Laughs

Good Morning beautiful! I hope your day is filled with sunshine. ❤ Welcome to Week #7 of Igniting Inspiration! Last week, we unfortunately lagged a little and didn’t end up posting, so I am super excited to be back and working on another post filled with encouragement and love to kick off the new week!

As always, this week I have gotten together some amazing inspirational quotes, and a ton of MEMES for extra laughs so be sure to stay til the end for those! Please enjoy, and I hope this brings some light to your day. ; ) Alrighty, here we go!

Lovely quotes aren’t they? Let me know which ones you thought spoke to your heart the most! I love those kinds of quotes that you just happen to come across, and it’s just like “oof” because it basically spoke directly to you. Please let me know if there is anything going on in your life right now that I can keep in my prayers. ❤

Okay, next up are the lovely MEMEs haha! Are you ready for the challenge? I challenge you to go through all of these MEMEs, and try your hardest not to even giggle! If you accomplish that, then comment down below #Didn’tLaugh! Andddd, if you’re more like me and can’t keep a laugh in if your life depended on it, comment down below #TotallyFailedAtThisChallenge! 😂 But don’t worry, there’s no shame in that. I’m standing right there with ya pal. *pats on back*

Okay dokey smokey! On your marks, get set, GO! xD

Haha I’m sorry but I cracked up through all of these! 🤣 Did you laugh? Let me know down in the comments!

Sadly, that’s it for todays post. *murmurs of disappointment* But hey, don’t worry! I have so many more upcoming posts that I am very excited for here on Sunshine & Rain! *cheers of excitement!*

*IMPORTANT QUESTION* Before I end this post, I have something i’d like to ask you guys. Recently, I’ve been having some issues with my site. It usually has to do with my posts not showing up in the reader, or still showing up but saying it was posted a long time before. Anyways, I just recently found that when I click on my name (Hailey Madison) above a comment I have posted, it takes me to something called a “Weblog” site instead of my real site. The Weblog is basically a completely blank site, and it tells me that I can start my site there, when I already have a blog. Can anybody please help me with how to fix this? If so, that would be really great because I want people to be able to easily find my site without something like that happening. Thank you ; )

Thank you guys very much for checking out the latest post, and I can’t wait to chat with you guys! Again, there is a lot of future content planned so make sure to subscribe to my blog by email if you haven’t already, to ensure that you don’t miss out! Have an amazing day my Chicken Nugget, you deserve it. 😉

Previous Posts:

How to Create the Best Morning & Night Routine for You

Busy Life & Upcoming Posts

Igniting Inspiration Week #6: Guest Post from Olivia Grace!

15 thoughts on “Igniting Inspiration: Quotes of the Week to Ignite the Fire in Your Heart + Extra Laughs

  1. I love the quote about when God says “ no” he is redirecting us. Often times it does feel like a rejection but, God always knows what’s best for us👍
    Okay, I was doing okay with the memes until the one about the teachers saying why she hears students talking. Honestly, that is such a good retort that would most likely land you in detention. So I guess I have to put #totallyfailedthischallenge 😂
    I love Igniting Inspiration, do you plan to continue this series? ❤️💖


  2. Beautiful quotes Hailey!!❤ They sll spoke to me….. but especially the ‘if people are doubting you….’ ahhhh! I should do that!😉 and those memes…. #TotallyLostAtThatChallenge 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 honestly, I laughed at every single one!!! Great posts Hailey!! I’m excited for your next posts!! ❤❤❤
    I am really sorry…… but I don’t know how to help your problem 😔😔 Today when I checked my blog, one of the posts which I had posted yesterday showed up way back in ghe reader snd said it was posted a long time ago….. I was really confused. But I solved it by going to edit of that post, and on the post check list on the side where it said ‘Publish -‘ I found that it was written on 5 August. So I just changed it to yesterday’s date….. and it worked!! I hope that might help dear Hailey

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  3. #TotallyLostItAtThisChallenge
    Those memes…Oh my gosh, so funny!!
    And the quotes are beautiful! Thank you so much, Hailey!
    Anyways, about your problem, I honestly have never seen anything like that. I think though, there is a way to change where your name links to. Maybe in your profile? I’m sorry I can’t be of more help!
    I have also had trouble with my posts not showing up in the reader, and I don’t know why…. I hardly ever use the reader myself. I just go to the actual blog, so I’m not that familiar with how things work on there.
    Hope your problems are fixed soon!

    Liked by 1 person

    • BAHAHA Aren’t those things just amazing?!😂 I’m so glad I could bring you some laughs and encouragement haha! Aw man, well, hopefully I can figure it out. I actually thought that linking may be the problem but I’ve tried a bunch of things so i’ll have to see if I can dig deeper! Thanks so much, Haley! 😉❤

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